Staying at home, as time moves on Part 3
As I said in Part 1 these words of wisdom come from a friend and colleague James Palmer which he posted on Facebook. I have found them really useful to deal with my own anxieties so I thought I would share in a few parts. For me being practical and doing physical tasks is really helpful. I hope some of these tips may help you too. Take care and stay well
‘’When I was 21 I had chronic fatigue syndrome and I did my entire university degree under conditions not totally dissimilar to lockdown, then a PhD and a lecturing job where I was working at home most of the time. Here are a few ideas on how to make being in the same place work and stay sane. Maybe one or two will help you:
Think very carefully about what outside information you let in and how you do it. You don’t need to follow the situation in other countries unless you have family or close friends there. There will be no quiz at the end on this. If you are sitting listening, watching or reading every new micro event as it happens your mental health with suffer very badly. Don’t do this. Perhaps check once a day.
Mental health. For most people this may be more serious than the virus. The more we churn anxieties, fears and projections about the future the stronger they root in our minds. Choose not to allow the negative thoughts to cycle and build strength like a whirlpool, allow them to dissipate like smoke in the air. If you haven’t tried it before this is a good time to try meditation.
Open the windows for a few minutes every morning, regardless of how cold it is, to let the air in.
After the first few days of luxury lie ins, have a getting up time and stick to it.
Try to exercise regularly, in whatever way is possible for you. There are lots of videos on youtube. Just being sedentary for weeks will also make things harder.
We have an opportunity to take the wave of forced change that comes with the situation and use it to change things in our lives which we are not happy with so we land somewhere better at the end. Take that opportunity.’’
Plenty of good ideas again. Please take care and stay safe x